Poncha Springs ‘The Schoolhouse’ Closed for Investigation

Schoolhouse Poncha Springs (Image: Facebook.com/chaffeecountyCI)

The following is a press release from the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office: On January 24, 2023, the Chaffee County Department of Human Service, DHS, and the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Chaffee County Child Care Initiative, Poncha Springs, after DHS received a complaint of Lack of Supervision.

Upon arriving at the Child Care Facility investigators from DHS made contact with the staff and advised them of the situation. Parents were contacted at that time to make arrangements for them to pick up their kids in attendance.

RELATED: Statement on behalf of Chaffee Childcare Initiative & The Schoolhouse

The day care facility remains closed pending the outcome of this investigation. The Colorado Licensing Authority was appraised of the investigation and will make a final decision of the facilities license status.

There is no affiliation between the Chaffee County Child Care Initiative and the Salida Public Schools.

This is an open and ongoing investigation, and no other details will be available.

Dan R