The 2019-20 Fighting Heart Award from Salida High School has been awarded to senior Zayne Walker for his contributions in athletics and beyond during his time as a Spartan
Below is the official statement from the school.

“Zayne Walker, Salida High School Class of 2020 Senior, stopped by Salida High on Monday May 11th to see his name added to the Spartan Fighting Heart Award Trophy. He was accompanied by his parents, Tim and Marcey Walker, to receive the scholarship and award plaque. Unlike typical years, when the nominees are recognized and the winner announced at the final all school assembly of the year, Walker and his immediate family met Athletic Director Jim Coscarella in front of SHS after being notified he was chosen as the 2020 Fighting Heart Winner by the selection committee.
Robert Finck and Robert Daniels donated the Spartan Fighting Heart Trophy. It is presented to a senior athlete each year that has continually demonstrated that he or she performed to the best of their ability. The Fighting Heart Winner must show good sportsmanship, outstanding leadership qualities, and must participate in at least two sports.
This trophy has been updated annually since the late 1970s and the 2020 winner is the 44th name in a long line of Spartans. Nominations for the award were made by the head coaches. The trophy remains on school grounds. Each nominee who completed the application process was mailed a key chain with their name on it as a token of appreciation for the athlete’s time and efforts.

The 2020 Nominees were: Jamison Batinich, Frank DeCew, Ben Fuller, Nico Granzella, Madison Patch, Finley Petit, and Zayne Walker.”