Tuesday night, a crowd gathered at the baseball fields in Buena Vista from about 5 o’clock until well after dark.

What drew the gathering? Why baseball, which was back in real action. Buena Vista Coach Greg Perrin and Salida Coach Lee Lewis worked together, and over the summer are planning on playing games in Buena Vista and Salida on Tuesday and Thursday nights, alternating who hosts on each week.

BV Coach Greg Perrin and Salida Coach Lee Lewis

It wasn’t just the coaches and players who were enjoying it.

Plenty of red and purple filled the bleachers, and talking with a few of the fans, getting back and interacting with people they haven’t had the chance to talk with in months was visibly relaxing.

Fans of Buena Vista and Salida talk on watching baseball again

Be sure to look for games to be broadcast by Heart of the Rockies Radio. Thursday night, plan on watching as Caleb Burggraaf and Jimmy Doogan have the call of game two of the Salida and BV summer baseball series.