In an open letter from Executive Director Shelley Schreiner, the Alliance revealed that they could be facing an estimated 40% cut in a critical funding source and need your help.

The Alliance provides critical services empowering individuals beyond domestic and sexual violence through services, education, and social change. They serve nearly 375 individual victims per year and provide education to hundreds of residents in our community.

To do this, the Alliance primarily utilizes funding from federal grants. Specifically, the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), a non-taxpayer source of funding that supports thousands of victim services providers serving millions of victims annually. Deposits fluctuate annually based on the cases that the Department of Justice successfully prosecutes, and have been low for several years, impacting the fund.

This could mean an estimated 40% cut in this critical funding source for The Alliance that could put local client services at risk of being cut or eliminated altogether.

To help, the Alliance is asking residents to reach out to our local Congressional representative, Brittney Pettersen, and ask her to stand up for survivors and adequately fund VOCA.

You can send Representative Pettersen a message at