Active cases of COVID-19 in the San Luis Valley have doubled in the past week, continuing the worrying increase that began in late March.
One week ago the count was 71. Currently, there are 155 known active cases of COVID-19 in the San Luis Valley. The positivity rate has also been rising, which suggests that many additional cases are going untested and unreported. County-specific active case numbers are listed below.
- Alamosa County – 64
- Conejos County – 48
- Costilla County – 6
- Mineral County – 1
- Rio Grande County – 20
- Saguache County – 16

Commenting on the recent increase in COVID-19 hospital admissions, SLVH RMC Hospitalist Director Dr. Olivier de Raet said, “They seem to be younger, in the 40s and 50s, and they are requiring a significant amount of oxygen. Most of them are ICU status. Interestingly, no one who has been vaccinated has required hospital admission. Some people are letting their guard down, and the non-vaccinated people are paying the price.”
Among the entities that have experienced recent disruptions due to illness and exposures are local governments, workplaces, and schools. The virus is spreading through households, workplaces, and social groups.
The very best thing any individual can do to help prevent additional disruptions is to get vaccinated. COVID-19 vaccines are free, and there is more than enough now to meet demand. Actions like masking and social distancing were the best tools we had earlier in the pandemic, but they are not as effective as vaccines. We have reached the point in this pandemic where vaccine availability makes COVID-19 preventable in a way that was not possible 6 months ago. If you have special concerns about vaccines for yourself or your family, check with your doctor.
More than half (51.9%) of San Luis Valley residents aged 16 and older have not yet received any vaccine, and 39.7% are up-to-date with the recommended doses. As we resume more contact with others, vaccinations offer peace of mind. If you have been vaccinated, your risk of COVID-19 illness is very low. Masks and social distancing should still be the norm in public indoor spaces until 70-80% of us have been vaccinated. In settings where more than 80% of those present have been vaccinated, low risk of transmission within the group means that masks need not be worn.
Some special free one-dose Johnson and Johnson vaccination opportunities are coming up in the form of Servicios Mobile Services Clinics staffed by doctors traveling by van to these locations:
- Fri, 5/14: Capulin, 9AM-1PM at St. Joseph’s Parish; 2-6 PM at Our Lady of the Valley
- Sat, 5/15: Fort Garland Visitor’s Center, 9:30 AM-3:30 PM
- Sun, 5/16: San Luis Community Park, 1-6 PM
The providers listed below also continue to offer vaccines. Online signup links for these providers can be found at If you have an appointment and you can’t make it, please call to cancel.
- Valley-Wide Health Systems (719) 587-9610
- Rio Grande Hospital (719) 657-2418
- SLV Health (719) 587-1355
- Alamosa County Public Health (719) 589-6639
- Conejos County Public Health (719) 274-4307
- Costilla County Public Health (719) 672-3332
- Silver Thread Public Health (719) 658-2416
- Rio Grande County Public Health (719) 657-3352
- Saguache County Public Health (719) 655-2533
- City Market Pharmacy –
- Safeway Pharmacy –
- Walgreens Pharmacy –
- Walmart Pharmacy –