Governor Jared Polis announced yesterday that some counties could begin allowing large-scale events as early as July.

Bars and some additional services will also reopen next week.

The loosened guidelines also allow overnight summer camps to reopen. 

Not all areas will be able to immediately move into the next phase, labeled “Protect Our Neighbors.”  In that phase, all activities would be allowed, at up to 50 percent capacity, with a maximum of 500 people present at any given time.  That would allow events like county fairs to take place. 

Polis acknowledged that allowing larger events carries some risk of spreading the virus, and that older people and those with health conditions may not want to participate. 

Chaffee County Public Health has submitted a variance request to the state is hopes of lifting some of the restrictions on group gathering size and for the reopening of Fun Street Arcade in downtown Salida. 

An answer from the state could come as early as today.