Judge Denies Motion to Reduce Bond Because of Watkins ‘Digestive Issues’

A judge denied a motion to reduce bond for the man accused in the shooting death of 27-year-old Jonathon Kern.

The alleged shooting occurred on September 22, 2018, in Cotopaxi.

64-year-old Earl Watkins has been in jail on a $250,000 bail since April 7th. His attorneys filed a motion stating that since he has been incarcerated at the Fremont County Detention Center, he has had episodes of high blood pressure stemming from the jail diet, potentially putting him at risk of a heart attack. Watkins’ lawyer said his client has also been having daily bouts of gastrointestinal upset, an issue he never has had before.

Three of Kern’s family members were permitted to speak during yesterday’s hearing, all of whom object to the motion to reconsider bond, including Kern’s father who said, “I frankly don’t care about the digestive issues Watkins is having. I think he is right where he needs to be and I think the court needs to keep him there.”

Watkins’ nine-day trial is scheduled to begin August 11th.    

Terry West
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