In 2022, the City of Salida’s Parks staff changed the way they watered the parks, resulting in a dramatic water saving.
According to the Parks department, they switched to a “cycle and soak” method of watering. This style of irrigation applies water in multiple, short cycles rather than one big watering cycle.
For example, rather than watering a single zone for 45 minutes, sprinklers can be set to water 3 times at 15 minutes, with at least 30 minutes in between each cycle. The first cycle will break the surface tension of the soil and allow the water to penetrate. The second cycle is absorbed even further into the soil, reaching the roots. The third cycle allows additional absorption, filling the root zone.
The benefits of this irrigation method save water, prevent runoff, grow deeper and healthier roots, have thicker and greener grass, and promote drought resistant turf.