Chaffee County Public Health is excited to announce that due to improved COVID-19 case incidence, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has informed CCPH that Chaffee County can move to the Blue Level on the state’s COVID-19 Dial 2.0 on Wednesday, March 10th at 6am.

Chaffee County has been operating in the Yellow Level since February 6th. Recent changes to the Blue Level in Colorado’s amended Public Health Order include:

· Section II.C.2.h: clarifying that Restaurants in Level Blue may expand capacity to 225 without using the distancing space calculator, and expanding last call to 2 AM

· Section II.C.2.k: authorizing Indoor Events in Level Blue to expand capacity to 225 for seated events without using the distancing space calculator

· Section II.C.2.m: clarifying that outdoor pools in Level Blue are subject to the same capacity limits as indoor pools

· Section II.D.2.q: clarifying that Casinos in Level Blue that have seated events may also expand capacity to 225 for seated events without using the distancing calculator

Other changes to expect as Chaffee County moves from the Yellow Level to the Blue Level include:

· High risk populations were asked to “stay at home” in the Yellow Level while they are asked to “use caution” in the Blue Level.

· Site-specific variances for indoor and outdoor activities are eligible if approved by local pubic health.

· Gyms and fitness facilities were at 50% or 50 people in the Yellow Level, and in the Blue Level, they can operate at 50% or 175 people, whichever is fewer.

· Group sports and camps were allowing 25 people for each activity in the Yellow Level and will now be capped at 50 people per activity in the Blue Level.

· Indoor and outdoor (seated and unseated) event capacity has increased in the Blue Level.

“Chaffee County has had to work really hard to achieve this much anticipated milestone, and we hope with continued increased vaccination rates and diligence in following the public health measures of mask wearing, distancing, and staying at home when sick, we can move to an even less restrictive level in the near future. We must keep our 7 day incidence under 20 cases to remain in this level. It is clear that vaccinations are making a considerable impact on our local metrics,” stated Andrea Carlstrom, Chaffee County Public Health Director.

More details about the restrictions in the Blue Level can be found at