Chaffee County Commissioners will hold a work session today beginning at 9 am at the courthouse. 

     Commissioners will meet as the Landfill Committee, Board of Social Services, and Board of Health. 

     They will also hear reports from the Department of Housing, Building and Planning and Emergency Management Services. 

     Commissioners will meet with the Chaffee County Planning Commission today from 4 pm to 5:30 pm to get ready for the public meetings to take comment on the county’s comprehensive plan. 

     Those meetings will take place from 10 am to 4 pm tomorrow at the Rotary Scout Hut in Salida and Wednesday from 10 am to 4 pm at the former Watershed building at 410 East Main in Buena Vista. 

     The meetings are meant to be one-on-one conversations with staff from the county’s planning consultant team about the preliminary Together Chaffee Comprehensive Plan Draft. 

     After 5 months of input meetings and public meetings listening to county residents, they want you to tell them, “You heard me right,” or “That’s not what I said.”

     Chaffee Commissioners will conduct six public hearings when they meet for a regular meeting tomorrow. 

     Two hearings concern land use issues; a sketch plan for the Schwitzer minor subdivision on County Road 155, the other for the final plat for the Hawkins minor subdivision off Rocky Mountain Road. 

     A public hearing will also be held to take comments on the 2020 county budget.