Proposed Colorado Bill Would Change How Traffic Stops Begin

Proposed Colorado Bill Would Change How Traffic Stops Begin

A new bill in the Colorado legislature is proposing changes to the way law enforcement officers interact with drivers during traffic stops. If passed, the bill would: Prohibit officers from asking a driver, “Do you know why I pulled you over?” or similar questions....

Buena Vista Airport Board Seeks Public Input on Rule Updates

Buena Vista Airport Board Seeks Public Input on Rule Updates

The Buena Vista Airport Board is inviting the public to provide feedback on proposed updates to the airport’s rules, regulations, and minimum standards for commercial aeronautical operations. A public forum will be held on Thursday, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., in the...

Pilot Error Cited in Fatal 2023 Plane Crash Near Florence

Pilot Error Cited in Fatal 2023 Plane Crash Near Florence

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has released its final report on the May 6, 2023, plane crash that claimed the lives of four well-known Florence residents. The report identifies the pilot’s failure to follow established mountain flying guidance as the...

High Side Bar and Grill Named March Business of the Month

High Side Bar and Grill Named March Business of the Month

The Heart of the Rockies Chamber of Commerce has named High Side Bar and Grill as its March Business of the Month. Located at 300 West Sackett Avenue, right on the Arkansas River, High Side is known for its scenic riverside patio, great food, and welcoming atmosphere....
