The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has released the latest update to Colorado’s COVID-19 dial framework: Dial 3.0.
The updated dial public health order goes into effect Wednesday, March 24. State officials expect that Dial 3.0 will remain in effect until mid-April, at which point the state plans to retire the dial and implement a new public health order that gives greater control over capacity restrictions to local public health agencies. While Chaffee County Public Health anticipated the announcement of Dial 3.0 this week and may move Chaffee County to the Green Level in the near future, the county will remain in the revised Blue Level until further notice.
The new Blue Level offers greater flexibility and fewer restrictions than the previous Blue Level. Dial 3.0 will be reviewed at the Chaffee County Leadership Roundtable meeting on the afternoon of Monday, March 29th to determine whether moving to the Green Level is the right move while taking into consideration the impacts on incidence due to the rise in South African B.1.351 cases in the northern end of the county and Spring Break travel and activities. Highlights to Dial 3.0 include:
- The metrics for Level Green: Protect Our Neighbors have changed. These changes make it easier for counties to achieve Protect Our Neighbors status. Now, counties qualify for Protect Our Neighbors if they have up to 35 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people — up from 15 cases.
- There is no longer a certification process for Level Green: Protect Our Neighbors. Counties will be moved into Level Green once they maintain the appropriate metrics for at least one week.
- Most restrictions in Level Green: Protect Our Neighbors are now removed. Bars and indoor events must still adhere to a 50% capacity limit or a 500-person cap, whichever is fewer.
- The metrics range for Level Blue is now 36 – 100 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people.
- Bars can now open under Level Blue. The capacity limit is 25% capacity or 75 people, whichever is fewer.
- Restaurants in Level Blue may operate at 100% capacity with 6 feet distancing.
- Outdoor events in Levels Green and Blue no longer have state-level capacity restrictions under the dial. Counties may choose to implement capacity restrictions on outdoor events at the local level.
- Retail, offices, and non-critical manufacturing in Level Blue may now open to 75% capacity, up from 50%.
- There is no longer a state limit on personal gathering sizes. The state will follow CDC’s guidance on personal gatherings. The CDC still strongly recommends avoiding larger gatherings and crowds to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Small counties may choose to move to the Green Level when the following are met:
- Small counties are defined as any county with a 2019 DOLA population data less than 30,000 people.
- 7 consecutive days with an incidence rate less than 35/100,000 people; OR
- 7 consecutive days with a rolling comparable case count between 0-10; AND
- Stable (no more than 25% increase) or declining counts of new confirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations in the county’s referral hospitals (as defined by the local public health agency) in the last 14 days compared to the previous 14 day period OR no more than 2 new hospital admissions on any day in the last 14 days.
Chaffee County’s local public health order is in effect through midnight on April 16th unless extended, rescinded, superseded, or amended in writing and is aligned with the recent changes in Dial 3.0.
The updated dial does not change Colorado’s current statewide mask mandate. Separate from the dial changes, the current mask Executive Order expires April 3rd, and at that time, the Governor may choose to make modifications. The state released modified mask order components as part of the Dial 3.0 stakeholder engagement process. Feedback received as part of that process will be considered prior to April 3rd.
“While the launch of Dial 3.0 is a welcome one by many sectors due to the decreased restrictions, this is not the time for us to let our guard down. We still have a long road ahead to get as many people vaccinated as possible to reach an optimal level of protection. Dial 3.0 and the future of the dial does not mean that we are doing well in our fight against the pandemic. The lifting of restrictions does mean that we are making a significant impact through vaccine distribution while learning to live with this novel virus among us. The South African variant, B.1.351, outbreak in Chaffee County is cause for concern, as this variant is looking to be more contagious and potentially resistant to vaccine and treatment. CCPH is working closely with CDPHE to assess the risk of transmission of the South African variant on Chaffee County incidence, and therefore, a special vaccination clinic will be scheduled on Sunday, March 28th to accelerate rates and increase protection. It is going to take all of us to get ahead of this evolving situation,” states Andrea Carlstrom, Director of Chaffee County Public Health.
CDPHE will be staffing a vaccination clinic at the Buena Vista High School, 559 S. Railroad St., Buena Vista, in response to elevated concerns about the detection of the South African variant. The clinic will be held on Sunday, March 28th from 11a-4p by appointment and for approved groups only. It will be a drive through event, similar to CCPH’s model. The Pfizer vaccine will be used, so it is critical that those registering can commit to coming back for a second dose on April 18th at the same location. People who already have their first dose appointments in an upcoming clinic are encouraged to keep their appointment or cancel their appointment if they choose a different clinic date. There are also several first dose clinics scheduled in the upcoming weeks hosted by local providers.
Upcoming CCPH clinics can be found at Sunday’s clinic schedule will be released this afternoon. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect our communities from serious COVID-19 illness and death.