The Salida Public Works Department has roadway capital projects planned for 2020. This includes numerous work locations for reconstruction, mill and overlay, along with point repairs to sidewalk, curb and gutter, and crosswalks.

The projects include Blake Street reconstruction, G Street parking and pedestrian improvements from Sackett to 1st, mill and overlay work in the general downtown area along with sidewalk point repairs. Work is anticipated to start at these locations the week of April 6.

F St. and G St. from Sackett Ave. to 3rd Street is expected to have periodic closures during the next two weeks as the milling and overlay is being performed. The work from 3rd St. to 5th St. will occur later in April and into May. The schedule for this project has been adjusted to take into consideration the current situation and overall goal of limiting disruption to businesses.

Blake Street will have periodic closures throughout the course of construction, which is expected to last until the fall. We look forward to improving our City streetscapes with the completion of these projects.