Looking for things to do this weekend? Here’s a roundup of local events:
Friday, June 21
- Location: Turner Farm, Buena Vista
- Time: 6pm to 8pm
- Details: Enjoy live music from Tami Deal. Admission is by donation.
Sventastik Productions Presents: “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”
- Location: SteamPlant
- Time: 6pm (also Saturday night at 6pm and Sunday matinee at 3pm)
- Tickets: $20 for adults, $15 for seniors, $10 for kids 12 and younger
Saturday, June 22
Farmers Markets
- Salida Market
- Location: Alpine Park
- Time: 8am to noon
- Buena Vista Market
- Location: Columbine Park
- Time: 9am to 1pm
- Location: Turner Farm, Buena Vista
- Time: 11am to 3pm
- Details: Buena Vista Heritage presents demonstrations by 18 local artists showcasing various needlework techniques. Handcrafted items will be available for purchase, with 20% of proceeds benefiting Buena Vista Heritage.
Enjoy the weekend!