After a successful sold-out premiere of “A Home in Paradise” documentary in early May, We Are Chaffee is hosting a second showing of the film that includes a complimentary dinner and facilitated community discussion on June 5th at the Salida Steamplant.

“The film itself is a powerful tool to stimulate discussion within our community and We Are Chaffee intends to deepen these discussions by providing a platform for “keeping the conversation going” with post film guided questions as we continue to share this film throughout the community this summer and fall.” We Are Chaffee will use information gathered from these community conversations to help determine future direction of the We Are Chaffee initiative and to report outcomes to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and local governments and nonprofits. The event is free with registration required through

“A Home in Paradise” is based on the stories of four local people who share their challenges to create a healthy and secure home in Chaffee County while highlighting their efforts to access and bridge the housing, behavioral health, and socioeconomic divide. These stories are interwoven with input from area experts who explain the complexities of local housing and health challenges, and provide hope for the future. The film is directed by Julie Speer Jackson, an Emmy Award winning filmmaker/producer who also serves as the Chaffee County Film Commissioner, and videographer and editor Sarah Hamilton who taught the We Are Chaffee Video Storytelling Workshops at Colorado Mountain College.

The documentary was developed with the guidance of a “Creative Committee” consisting of 25 local representatives from diverse parts of Chaffee County. The committee provided guidance throughout the filmmaking process and ensured the film stayed honest and true to Chaffee County. The committee drew on information from Chaffee County’s Public Health and Housing Reports and their real-life experiences with housing insecurity, behavioral health challenges, and the general growing socio-economic divide within Chaffee County.

We Are Chaffee is funded through a grant from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment: Office of Health Equity, and is managed by Chaffee County Public Health and the Chaffee Housing Authority. For more information about the We are Chaffee programs, including the

documentary, written stories, short video stories, and the popular “We are Chaffee: Looking Upstream” podcast, visit