Traffic Fatalities in Colorado Down Overall

The Colorado Department of Transportation yesterday released data showing an overall 6% decrease in traffic fatalities on Colorado roadways in 2023 compared to 2022, marking the first decline since 2019.  

Passenger vehicle deaths were down 12%, motorcycle deaths decreased 10% and impaired driving deaths were down 21%.  

Despite these gains, there was a significant increase in deaths among pedestrians and bicyclists last year.  In 2023, 153 pedestrians and cyclists lost their lives, marking an 18% increase over the previous year.

In 2024, CDOT is launching a new awareness campaign Shift into Safe, which will both inform and motivate behavior change on Colorado roads. Also, this year CDOT’s Highway Safety Office will award over $13.5 million in federal funds to local partners engaged in education, awareness and prevention efforts.  These funds also support local law enforcement agencies conducting DUI and seatbelt enforcement in their communities.

Dan R