If you haven’t voted yet, or don’t even have a mail ballot, you have time to vote.
You can register and vote today at the Chaffee County Courthouse or the motor vehicle office in Buena Vista.
It is too late to mail your ballot, post marks to not count. Drop off your ballot at the courthouse or the motor vehicle office in Buena Vista on Linderman Avenue.
Buena Vista School District voters are deciding two school board races.
Salida School District voters are being asked to join the Colorado Mountain College taxing district.
There are two state questions on the ballot, both related to taxes: Propositions CC and DD.
Voter turnout is light, only 42 percent of the ballots have been returned as of the end of business yesterday. 3,396 ballots out of 7,703 have been returned in the Salida School District, in the Buena Vista School District, 2526 out of 6,400 have been returned.
Again, do not mail your ballot. Return it in person before 7 pm tonight.
Heart of the Rockies Radio news will have the results of the election on air and on-line tonight just after 7 pm.