During the 2022 spring semester Salida Schools’ students participated in CMAS, PSAT, and SAT, and once again, the District and community have huge reasons to celebrate.

Looking first at CMAS* scores, in 4th through 8th grades, Salida Schools’ students scored above the state average in math, literacy, and science. Third grade scores were within a percentage point of the state number, and then the gaps grow showing that Salida Schools’ students outperform the state’s percentage in every other category, in every other grade tested.
Salida High School students also recorded impressive scores on the SAT and PSAT. The 11 grade students who participated in the SAT** scored an average of 43 points higher than the rest of Colorado and an astounding 65 points better than the rest of the nation. Students in 9th and 10th grade who took the PSAT*** matched their older classmates by outpacing the state average by 42 points and the national average by 65 points, as well.
The success of Salida School District students is truly a reflection of the commitment to education by the entire community. Families, school staff members and board members, and each and every person who supports our local youth, should be proud of the effort our students put into these tests each year.
Families will receive an individual report that will show the subject areas where their child is excelling as well as where they may need more support.
More information can be found at salidaschools.com under the News/What’s New section including links to more detailed information about Colorado Department of Education and their current student assessment practices.
For additional information please contact Kim LeTourneau at 719-530-5225 or kletourneau@salidaschools.org.
*CMAS, or The Colorado Measures of Academic Success, is the State’s common measurement of student’s progress at the end of the school year in English language arts, math for grades 3-8, and in science for grades 5, 8, and 11.
**The SAT is closely aligned to challenging classroom work of Colorado schools and focuses on the key skills and concepts that evidence shows matter most for college and career readiness, including, mathematical concepts, skills, and practices important for success in career training programs, and reading, comprehending, and writing high-quality essays supported by evidence.
***The PSAT focuses on the knowledge, kills, and understandings that research has identified as most important for college and career readiness and success. In addition to helping students practice for the SAT, it can identify student’s potential for success in advanced course work. It provides more data than ever before about academic strengths and weaknesses as well as access to millions of dollars in potential scholarships.