The Salida Fire Department is cautioning hikers about the presence of rattlesnakes in the area following a recent incident where crews responded to a snake bite victim and observed numerous rattlesnakes. Though rare, rattlesnake bites can be both painful and serious, particularly for children and pets.

If you encounter a rattlesnake, here are some key safety tips:

  • Freeze in Place: Snakes are often heard before they are seen. If you hear a rattle, stop and try to locate the snake before moving.
  • Maintain Distance: Keep at least five feet of space between you and the snake, as they can strike from a distance. If possible, move back slowly.
  • Do Not Engage: Never attempt to catch, kill, or provoke the snake. About one-third of bites occur when people try to handle or kill them.
  • Seek Professional Help Indoors: If a rattlesnake is in your garage or home, contact local wildlife officials or a pest control company.
  • Keep Pets Safe: Always use a six-foot leash, as required on most public lands in Colorado. Pets, especially dogs, may ignore a snake’s warnings and be at greater risk.