The City’s annual budget mirrors City Council priorities and serves as a roadmap for projected spending and revenue for the coming year.

The City has been hard at work since April reviewing and finalizing the organization’s 2022 budget.

The 2022 Proposed Budget reflects the commitment by the City Council and staff to achieve a balance between adhering to a conservative fiscal policy; enhancing quality of life through services and amenities; maintaining a stable, quality workforce and addressing affordable housing challenges, all while preserving the unique character of the City. The budget is in sync with the long-term Financial Management Plan the City has developed with municipal consultants, Ehlers, Inc.

Below is an overview of five projects budgeted for 2022

 Street Rehab Projects

Street rehabilitation projects planned for the next year include paving and pedestrian improvement projects and other safety upgrades at 10th and 12th Streets, and a block of 3rd Street between E and F Street.

Project Budget: $1,700,000

Highway 50 Streetscape Project

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) and other sidewalks on US50 to Walmart, Holman, Stryker to include a US50 pedestrian crossing. The total cost is $1,000,000 with an $800,000 grant offset.

Project Budget: $200,000

Splash Pad

The City hopes to add a splash pad feature to Centennial Park. This project will also provide the infrastructure for bathroom improvements to be done in the future.

Project Budget: $350,000

Gallery Transmission Main Water Line Replacement (Rolled over from 2021)

The aging pipes critical for distributing potable water from Salida’s primary groundwater source to the City will be replaced, further ensuring a dependable water source for all residents.

Project Budget: $1,900,000

Pasquale Springs Improvements (Rolled over from 2021 at an increased cost)

Much of the aging infrastructure necessary for the treatment, storage and pumping of spring water into Salida’s water system will be replaced, expanding the capacity of the Pasquale Springs site and providing greater resilience in the event that the treatment plant becomes inaccessible.

Project Budget: $2,500,000

 Soaking Pools Update

Another project the City has been discussing for several years is the outdoor soaking pools adjacent to the Hot Springs Aquatic Center. Following a City Council budget work session on Monday, October 4, Council decided to postpone the project indefinitely until such time that a larger facilities plan for Centennial Park can be implemented.

Workforce Housing

Other budget changes in 2022 include additional funds dedicated to address the workforce housing challenges in the community. The City plans to continue developing policy to help solve this problem and hopes to use its $1.5M allocation of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding toward critical housing projects. Additionally, the City will work to identify sustainable funding sources to pay for ongoing workforce housing needs and partner with community organizations to develop creative housing solutions.

Transparency and Budgeting Tools

The 2022 budget process included opportunities for public input and feedback from City Council and staff. To fully communicate what can sometimes be complicated and convoluted financial data to residents and stakeholders, Salida has partnered with OpenGov to help bring the data you want to see into focus. OpenGov is an interactive online budgeting tool that gives you the ability to drill deeper and get to specific information about the budget that interests you. Visit Open Salida to explore the City’s 2022 Proposed Budget. The OpenGov platform is updated frequently and is an excellent tool to help keep residents informed about the budget.

Public Hearing and Budget Adoption

There will be a public hearing on the proposed budget on October 19 at 6:00 p.m. and residents are invited to attend. The meeting will take place in the Council Chambers at the Touber Building, 448 E. First Street.

City Council will formally adopt the City’s 2022 budget following the public hearing on October 19.