Return to Nature Funeral Home in Penrose Scheduled for Demolition In January

Return to Nature Funeral Home in Penrose. (Screencap from CBS

The Penrose funeral home, where almost 200 decomposing bodies were found improperly stored, will be demolished by the Environmental Protection Agency in January. 

The EPA says that work is expected to begin on January 17th and last 10 days. 

RELATED: Jon Hallford, Owner of the Return to Nature Funeral Home, Facing Over 200 Felony Charges

The cleanup will be conducted under the direction of EPA’s Emergency Response personnel and its hazardous materials contractors. 

The owners of the funeral home, Jon and Carie Hallford are being held in the El Paso County jail on charges of abuse of a corpse, fraud and money laundering. The Hallford’s are being held on a $2 million cash only bond and their next court appearance is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 5th. 

Dan R