[Update – Nov. 23rd] Moe has been found and returned home!
[Update – Nov. 19th] A police report has been filed, but Matt needs your help. Moe was last seen in the Safeway parking lot on Saturday, Nov. 13th. An employee saw a man in a maroon pickup truck grab Moe and leave. Matt believes the owner of the truck lives in the Coledale area. If you know the license plate number, or have any idea how to contact the owner of the red truck, please email us here at the radio station and we’ll forward the information to Matt.
The Pet Patrol, powered by Chili Heads, needs your help! Moe the Beagle has been dognapped!
Matt Wheeler’s beloved dog Moe is missing! He’s now offering a $250 reward for Moe’s return, or for information that leads to his return.
Moe is a 30 lbs, 8-years old, black and brindle Beagle-Wiener, with a slight limp in his front right leg. Moe ran off around 6 pm on Saturday (Nov. 13th), near Safeway in Salida.
Matt says his phone number and name is on Moe’s tag and the Moe is micro-chipped.

The Pet Patrol is powered by Chili Heads, Salida’s Head Shop–Proudly re-uniting lost pets with their families! Chili Heads has the lowest prices and biggest selection in Salida! 112 Rainbow Blvd, Unit A in Salida, or online at ChiliHeads.biz.