Meet Benji: Ark-Valley Humane Society’s Pet of the Week

Benji has been waiting for his forever home at Ark-Valley Humane Society for 81 days, and we’re not sure why! This 7-year-old senior cat is a staff and volunteer favorite. Benji embodies everything we love about cats—he’s friendly, laid-back, independent, and playful. If you’re a cat lover, Benji’s charm will win you over in no time.

As the Pet of the Week, Benji’s adoption fees are 50% off until next Wednesday. Don’t miss the chance to bring this lovable feline into your home!

Events: Help Us Reach Our August Matching Campaign Goal

Our August Matching Campaign is coming to a close, and we need your help to reach our goal! Thanks to the generous donations so far, we’ve raised $7,646.00. This month only, all monetary donations are being matched dollar for dollar up to $16,700. Help us reach the full match of $33,400 and support homeless pets and community programs. Your contribution can make a big difference!