Chaffee County Environmental Health is seeking 2 interested residents with the ability to take an online Certified Radon Mitigation course, then take and pass the accredited exam.
Each scholarship is valued at $1,200.
The program goal is to have 2 accredited and skilled Radon Mitigators that can perform radon reduction services for Chaffee County residents.
This is not a county job; individuals would be operating as their own business, receiving referrals from the Health Department for residents with radon reduction needs.
Interested individuals should call the Environmental Health Division at 719-207-1498.
Job Title: Chaffee County Professionally-Certified Radon Measurer & Mitigator
Radon is a naturally occurring gas most often derived from the breakdown of natural deposits of Uranium 238, which is commonly found in many geological formations, including the granite that forms the Rocky Mountains and nearby plains. A chemically inert gas, it can be drawn into buildings due to vacuums caused by natural thermal stack effects, building exhaust systems or episodic weather conditions. Increased indoor radon levels pose a significant health concern (i.e. lung cancer) for many individuals. Applying proven radon mitigation techniques can reduce the risk of radon exposure and can save lives.
Local findings:
The U.S. EPA has determined that an indoor radon level of >4.2 pC/l is of greatest concern to human health. Based on 300 radon residential tests throughout Chaffee County, the average indoor radon concentration is approximately 8.4 pC/l.
Our objectives are to create clear and consistent:
• Understanding of the technical basis for measuring and reducing radon exposure in both new and existing residential homes and large buildings;
• Awareness of the various standards and building codes and how they can best be applied or modified to address Colorado building practices;
• Knowledge of how to properly test for and reduce radon in both new and existing residential homes and large buildings; and
• Active consideration and incorporation of innovative, cost-effective, Colorado-specific approaches to reducing radon exposure in both new residential homes and large buildings during construction.
Our Chaffee County Strategy is to support the training and certification of 2 Professionally-Certified Radon Mitigators that are willing and able to serve the citizens of Chaffee County.
Chaffee County Public & Environmental Health Department was successful in obtaining a State of Colorado Radon Grant to assist with this training endeavor. Upon selection of 2 Chaffee County Radon Mitigator applicants, we will pay the initial $700 up front CERTI Radon Mitigator webcourse fee for each trainee.
The courses (both Radon Measurement and Radon Mitigation) will be tentatively scheduled to begin in July 2020, and will last approximately 2 months—20 hours of web-based course work per course, plus field exercises.
Upon completion of both CERTI courses, each trainee will pay $140 to take the Certified Mitigator Exam.
Upon successful passing of the course, Chaffee County will reimburse the $140, and also pay the initial 2-yr. Mitigator Certification fee of $200 per trainee.
It is estimated that out-of-pocket tools and equipment costs per mitigator are approximately $1800 (see website:
While there are no contractual agreements, we would expect both of the Radon Mitigators to provide radon measurement and mitigation services to Chaffee County residents over the next 3 years.