The Salida Sunrise Rotary is accepting applications for Scholarships to be awarded for the Spring Semester of 2022.

If you live in the R-32-J school district and are starting post secondary education this spring, or are currently attending college, community college, vocational/technical school or university, or are in a graduate program, then learn more about the scholarship opportunities being offered through the Salida Sunrise Rotary. Priority is given to students with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and are attending a school, college or university in Colorado.   

To be considered, completed applications must be received by 5 PM, Monday, November 29th. Details and applications can be found on the Salida Sunrise Rotary Website

These scholarships are provided through the Salida Sunrise Rotary Charitable Fund, and include funds raised by the Lucky Ducky Race and Holiday Park Trees, as well as other events and donations.