By: Judy Hamontre, AVHS Vice-chair

It is just the beginning of kitten season, and at Ark-Valley Humane Society there has been a deluge of kittens in the last two weeks. I am telling their “Tail” on May 23. 

Today, thirty kittens, eight weeks or younger, are in the care of AVHS, which is absolutely crazy!

Three cuties are in the cat room ready for adoption. 

A mother with her five babes just born May 21 is in foster care, and two kitties who arrived at only one day old are also in foster care. Being so young and requiring bottle feeding and constant attention, their foster mom is a true saint.

Four other fluff balls, who arrived May 22 at about three weeks old, are awaiting foster care.

Seven sweeties who came in a little over a week ago at two weeks of age, are snuggled together, being nursed by a stray cat who arrived the same day. She might or might not be their birth mother, but she is caring for them as if she were.

Six from another litter recently returned to foster care after receiving medical attention at the shelter. They are on the mend and happy to be back in their temporary foster home.

If you are counting, that leaves three more kittens. They are at the shelter in their own location away from the public for now to receive extra staff attention and medical care. They are on the mend.

Each kitten is unique, and all are adorable, as only kittens can be. However, they also require a lot of TLC which a compassionate staff and generous volunteer fosters are working nonstop to provide.

Our “Raining Kitten Tail” is bound to have a happy ending as there is little doubt that these kittens will be adopted into loving homes.

Sadly, that is not the case for millions of unwanted kitties. One day, perhaps spaying and neutering can lower that high number.

For more information, go to and click on services. Also watch our AVHS website as the adorable kittens become available for adoption.