The Town of Buena Vista is excited to announce the launch of – a new website solely dedicated to resident outreach, education and engagement.
My-BV will be a permanent fixture in the Town’s online presence and represents a new era of communication and resident participation in important projects, topics, and issues facing the community.
“Having our community members more actively engaged and providing input into Town’s decision-making is vital to our collective wellbeing and direction. However, public engagement and seeking input has often been confined to inviting physical attendance at either Trustee, advisory board, or other public meetings. While this will always be an important tool, it can’t be the only one in our toolbox. will take the opportunity for engagement outside the walls of Town Hall or the Community Center and bring it to wherever the people are, whenever they have a moment to participate.” Explains Planning Director Joseph Teipel.
The website uses the purpose-built platform called Bang the Table, whose innovative technology already helps hundreds of other communities around the world engage with their residents. My-BV features interactive content grouped into ‘project’ pages where each project represents either a physical or planning project – like the new police station or the master planning of the Rodeo Grounds – or a topic or issue – like water planning or planning and zoning. Each project uses different tools like surveys, forum boards, idea walls, polls, interactive maps, and more to both communicate information and invite feedback and input.
“While Facebook can be a useful tool for broadcasting announcements, I think everyone can appreciate it isn’t the best platform for garnering productive conversation that can be the basis for Town decision-making. That’s why we’re so excited about” Says Town Administrator Phillip Puckett.
The website is linked from the homepage of the Town’s website –, is being advertised on Facebook, sent out to listservs with the Recreation Department, and more. When community members visit the site, they can peruse all the information there. When they’d like to give feedback or participate in a discussion topic, they will be prompted to create a free account by registering. This registration process helps promote accountability and a safe place for productive discussion, but it also provides Town staff important ways to utilize the feedback and input to inform real decision making.
“We invite you to visit today – then come back often to engage and help guide the direction your community is moving.” Says Teipel. The website launched on November 1st with six project pages, including one for the development of the Town-owned Carbonate Street lots as well as a ‘gathering place’ for community members to connect and offer ideas for future project pages.