In a landmark ruling, a judgement has been issued against Jon and Carie Hallford, the owners of Return to Nature Funeral Home, in a civil case involving the abuse of nearly 200 human bodies. The bodies were discovered improperly stored and decomposing in October of 2023, leading to widespread outrage and legal action.

The law firm representing the families of the victims announced yesterday that the court has ordered the Hallfords to pay $956,825,044. This monumental sum is being described as the largest judgement in Colorado’s history. However, the letter sent to the families cautions that despite this record-setting judgement, there is no guarantee of compensation. The Hallfords reportedly lack the assets necessary to pay the ordered amount.

Attorneys are advising the 125 families involved in the lawsuit to remain cautious, as the likelihood of receiving the full compensation is uncertain. The judgement, while symbolically significant, may not translate into financial restitution for the families affected by this tragedy.

Jon and Carie Hallford are scheduled to appear in court on September 20th for arraignment on state criminal charges related to the case. The legal proceedings continue as the community grapples with the fallout from this disturbing incident.