It is with disappointment that the FIBArk Board of Directors has decided to cancel the 2020 festival as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recently, Governor Polis extended Colorado’s stay-at-home order through April 26th, and current federal stay-at-home guidance is through April 30th.
The timeline of how long the pandemic will last remains very uncertain, requiring social distancing and placing extra burdens on our healthcare system. We’re hopeful that conditions will have improved by June, but with so much uncertainty as to the timeline of this global health crisis, we’re relying on the guidance of healthcare professionals, community leaders, and our best judgement to cancel this June festival.
We wish good health to our partners, competitors, spectators, and supporters, and hope that all will continue to follow the guidance of leadership and medical professionals, so we can get through this and emerge a stronger community.
We’ll look to the future, and set our sights on when we can again safely celebrate boating on the Upper Arkansas together. What a celebration it will be!
~FIBArk Board of Directors