The City of Salida announced that F Street will remain closed through November 1st.

On Thursday, June 4th, the City of Salida initiated a closure of two blocks of F Street downtown in order to repurpose the space to focus on pedestrians and allow for social distancing in the time of COVID-19. During this time, businesses have made use of the space in a variety of ways to provide spacing, outdoor dining, and other displays.

As winter quickly approaches, it will be necessary to reopen the street to allow for snow and ice maintenance during the course of our colder months.

In evaluating the current COVID-19 situation in Chaffee County, it remains important to provide adequate outdoor spaces to encourage social distancing and allow for business activities to occur outdoors, if possible. As such, the City of Salida will keep the F Street closure through November 1st to provide outdoor spaces for these activities. The City will continue to monitor weather trends and usage to keep the closure in place for as long as possible.

For the annual Halloween celebration, the City strongly encourages people to not congregate or gather, and to use open areas of streets that may be temporarily closed in order to pass others. The City recommends all residents to review the guidelines for Halloween issued by the Centers for Disease Control as well as the Chaffee County Public Health Department.

The City also strongly suggests that any residents that do not want to participate in any Halloween activities turn their porch light off to avoid any contact with the general public.

For more information, please contact City Hall at 719-539-4555.