When you talk to Rick and Nancy Fox, owners of BV E-bikes, you can’t help but get excited about their products!

What started out as a rental business to help people get out to see some of the beautiful scenery in the Colorado mountains has turned into a business which not only helps the tourism industry, but also has helped locals improve their quality of lives.

The E-bike trend is becoming less of a trend and more of a common sight. With sales expected to increase once again this year, the idea of getting help while going up a hill on a bike is an enticing thought.

BV E-bikes bring even more to the table too, as they work with a Colorado based company to buy their bikes from, making the commitment to help out their local economies. Not only that, but the company they work with has multiple designs, including your basic bicycle shape, all the way to trikes for people who need a third wheel.

From rentals to sales, BV E-Bikes is the place to go to talk to the experts. You can find out more information by visiting the website here, or visit them on Facebook.