The Chaffee County Land Use Code Update project is seeking public input on proposed amendments for the first set of topics under review.
Module 1 includes code amendments addressing numerous sections:
- Special Event Permits (Section 4.2.6)
- Road, Alley and Right-of-way Vacations (Section 5.2.3.H)
- Wildland Urban Interface (new Section 7.1.10)
- Use Specific Standards (Section 7.8) and related use tables
- Accessory Dwelling Units (Section 7.8.1)
- Agritourism (new, Section 7.8.2)
- Campground, Accessory (Section 7.8.8) (Private Lands Camping)
- Vacation Rental by Owner (Section 7.8.34) (Short Term Rentals)
The draft code document and the platform through which to share comments can be found at Input received by noon on August 11th will be included for the public hearing with the Chaffee County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on August 16th. The BOCC hearing to evaluate Module 1 code updates will be held at 9:15am, Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at the Buena Vista Community Center (715 E Main Street, Buena Vista) and on zoom at The County Planning Commission is also hearing the Module 1 proposed amendments on Tuesday, August 2 at 6:00pm (104 Crestone, Salida or virtually at
The consultant firm, Logan Simpson, has created the draft versions based on input from community surveys, insights from interviews, advisory committee guidance, and staff and Commissioner direction, along with the project’s guiding principles.
Information and ongoing updates for the Land Use Code Update are available through the project website at, where community members can also sign up to receive updates directly through email. Project updates are also shared on Facebook at @togetherchaffeecounty and Instagram at @togetherchaffee.