COVID-19 levels continue to rise in the San Luis Valley. In the past 7 days, 96 new cases were reported, up from 41 the prior week. 

The currently circulating sub-variants of Omicron are extremely transmissible, however, San Luis Valley officials are not seeing impacts on hospitals at this time.

COVID-19 treatment works best if you take it within a few days of testing positive. If you test positive or think you have COVID-19, contact your health care provider as soon as you can to see if treatment is appropriate. Or, you may be able to access telehealth directly. Many commercial insurance companies provide telehealth services for their members.

CDPHE also maintains a list of telehealth options at

Vaccines lower your COVID-related risks, including the risk of developing long COVID. COVID-19 vaccines are currently available through local healthcare providers, pharmacies, and state-led buses.