Chaffee County Public Health is reporting 234 new cases of Covid-19 in the last 7 days, and 346 in the last 14 days.
Chaffee County Public Health is no longer reporting a two-week positivity rate as they say they are “not able to gather this data point accurately, and it does not paint the picture of COVID in Chaffee County.”
Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center is currently at 48% capacity with no patients currently hospitalized with COVID-19. Because of increasing Covid-19 cases in Chaffee County, Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center has implemented several restrictive measures.
The most recent testing options in the county can be found here.
There continues to be ample opportunities to get vaccinated in Chaffee County. The most recent vaccination provider options can be found here. CCPH strongly recommends that anyone eligible gets their booster shot right away.
To make an appointment visit