Colorado Seeing Fire Restrictions

Fire restrictions are starting to pop up across the state.   

At least 20 Colorado counties, mostly on the Western Slope, have Stage 1 fire restrictions in place.   

Stage 1 fire restrictions prohibit the building, maintaining, or using a campfire anywhere but a permanent fire pit within a developed recreation site.  The use of charcoal grills is also banned under Stage 1 restrictions. 

There are currently no fire restrictions in our immediate area, but as dry and hot conditions continue, that could change. 

Fire officials ask that you use extreme caution with any type of fire and to know the rules and regulations of the area you are in. 

Crews across the state are battling multiple wildfires as dry conditions persist, again mainly across the Western Slope. 

The Sylvan Lake Fire in Eagle County has caused officials to issue pre-evacuation orders for the area and the West Fire is burning in Moffat County in the northwest corner of the state. 

Several smaller fires are being reported in Routt, Pitkin, Jefferson and Rio Blanco counties. 

Also, the Bureau of Land Management is reporting several small fires along Interstate 70 amid multiple lightning strikes.      

Dan R
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