Colorado Braces For Annual Tarantula Migration

Experts are warning Southern Colorado to brace for the annual tarantula migration. 

Every year, tarantula spiders migrate through parts of southern Colorado looking for love. Generally, tarantulas begin showing up in big numbers in the La Junta and southeast Colorado area starting around August, and hang out in the area through early October.  

The tarantulas are almost all males looking for a female mate. According to experts, these are “Oklahoma brown” tarantulas, and Though tarantulas are one of the largest spiders in North America, they’re generally considered harmless to humans and are popular pets.

They are still able to deliver a powerful bite that can sometimes result in injury or allergic reaction. Tarantulas are also capable of firing tiny hairs on their legs in self-defense. The hairs can be irritating to humans, at times requiring medical attention. 

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to see some of the arachnid visitors, higher concentrations are known to gather near Highway 109 south of La Junta on Comanche National Grassland.  

Terry West
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