With all best available information provided to the City, due to the COVID-19 virus worldwide pandemic, the City of Salida has declared a Local State of Emergency and is implementing its Action Plan.
Due to COVID-19 cases increasing in Chaffee County, along with the Governor’s statewide stay-at-home order issued on March 25th, the City of Salida will be moving to Tier IV of the Action Plan.
Tier IV Full implementation of Response Plan.
Tier IV may occur at such time as Chaffee County Public Health recommends regionwide social spacing, or schools are shut down, or at such other time as Salida deems it to be in the best interest of the organization and/or community. When directed by the Mayor, City Administrator, or their delegate, the City will move its response to Tier IV which, in addition to Phase III steps, include:
• City Buildings minimally staffed, no public access. Public will be directed to conduct business online, if feasible, or by phone. Non-essential services (City Hall Administration, City Hall Finance, Fire Station Administration, Police Station Administration, Public Works Administration) are closed to the public. Public is encouraged to use digital and telephone communication, website access, online payments, and other ways of communication to conduct business with the City.
• Departments will fully enact Departmental plans. Teleworking options and staggered shift work maximized. Only essential services ongoing, unless able to be provided through employees working remotely.
• Incident Command may be set up locally or in coordination with County Authorities.
• Selected City Staff mandatory use of PPE.
• Other steps as directed by State and Local Health authorities, including support of their efforts.
As part of its approach to the Tier IV designation, and due to a number of Chaffee County test results for COVID-19 still pending, the City of Salida will be limiting staffing at City Hall and other City facilities beginning on March 26, 2020. All City departments will enact teleworking options and staggered shifts, so administrative response times may be slower. You can find more information about the City’s online services at: https://cityofsalida.com/2020/03/convenient-online-services-available-for-residents-and-businesses/.
We will continue to work with officials of the Chaffee County Public Health Department and the Board of County Commissioners on evaluating the COVID-19 pandemic and our response via the City of Salida’s Action Plan. Information regarding CCPHD’s response to this situation can be found on their Facebook page: @COVID19ChaffeeCounty.
The City of Salida encourages its citizens to follow the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”) recommendations, which can be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Mayor P.T. Wood said, “It is imperative to all Salidans that you stay home and practice social distancing at all times. Be mindful of your distances when outside, on a trail or sidewalk, and only venture out for essential needs. Help where you can by donating to the Chaffee County Community Foundation’s Emergency Relief Fund. Take this opportunity to do the right thing for your family, friends and neighbors by staying home.”