After cancelling all activities for high schools, the Colorado High School Athletics Association has released a set of guidelines for coaches to stay in touch with athletes and what is and is not allowed in terms of workouts.

The full release can be seen here:

The number one reminder, per the moratorium is that we respond and support the decisions of our educational leaders responsibly in regards to COVID-19.  The directive to your coaches to support and uphold the suspension comes from you. We want to provide answers to the most asked questions by the membership. At the end of the day, we won’t be able to answer all the questions created to circumvent the rule but I trust that you will make those decisions, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck :0

  • Coaches can contact student-participants by email, phone and social media regarding voluntary self- workouts, updates, etc. Please reference Q and A 8 under exception 3 of bylaw 2310.5.
  • No physical contact, open-gyms, weight-lifting, off-site workouts with school coaches including volunteers, no-in season coach supervision of athletes on school grounds,
  • HS/Club coaches can only have contact with those players in the club setting if those players were already established on their club teams prior to the moratorium. AD’s will need to be the gatekeepers.  
  • Bylaw 2310.5 Sunday contact is applicable as are all eligibility rules.
  • No Esports pilot gaming will be conducted during the moratorium even from home sites as representatives of a school team.
  • Bethany and Jenn have already communicated the no contact for Unified Bowling and Boy’s Volleyball

I trust that your leadership and messaging will assist you in these uncertain times in our sports and activity world.

Appreciate the overwhelming membership support over the last week and especially today. I have never been so proud to work with or for a

Board, Staff, and organization of educational leaders that have come together, made some difficult decisions in the best interest of our kids and school communities..  

With Sincere gratitude,
Rhonda Blanford-Green