The latest Chaffee’s Got Heart Community Spotlight is shining on the Salida Community Center.   

The Chaffee’s Got Heart Committee is showcasing local businesses and individuals who have gone above and beyond by doing extraordinary things during these uncertain times.   

Salida Community Center Director Elaine Allemang says that the center has always had the needs of the citizens at heart.  The Community Center started the food program several years ago when they realized there are people in this county that are in need of food.  The Center helped 200 to 300 people per month, but when the pandemic hit, they immediately saw an increase to over 800 people a month.   

Allemang and the Center joined forces with several other non-profits to help the people of Chaffee County not only with food but necessities such as toiletries and pet food.   

Allemang said the most valuable thing that she has learned from this pandemic is the huge number of selfless and caring people that reside in the area.  She said, “When caring people come together, we can accomplish anything.” 

To donate to the Center or to enter your email to get notified of volunteer opportunities, go to   

Chaffee County Public Health has launched “Chaffee’s Got HEART.”  County residents are encouraged to take the pledge to follow the 5 commitments to containment:                 

  • Hang at home if sick.                     
  • Excel at hand washing.                     
  • Always wear a mask in public.                     
  • Respect social distancing.                      
  • Test if you have symptoms.