The historic Midland Tunnels on County Road 371 north of Buena Vista will be structurally reinforced through a project slated to begin Monday, April 18th, requiring temporary closure of a short section of 371.   

The Chaffee County Road and Bridge department is working with contractors Harrison Western Construction to perform engineered stabilization and rehabilitation for the four Midland tunnels. The project will involve installation of support anchor bolts and concrete to reinforce the tunnel’s ceilings and walls. This work is intended to secure and preserve the structures for the coming decades.   

A full road closure will be required of a half mile of County Road 371 through the work zone at each end of the tunnel portals, running from the intersection with County Road 375 on the south and the turn-off to Bob’s Rock-climbing area on the north. 

The closure is scheduled to conclude on May 27th. No traffic of any sort, including bicycle and pedestrian, will be permitted.  

The closure will be 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.