After a month of offering vaccinations to healthcare workers, first responders, and our 70+ population, CCPH will be streamlining its distribution processes so that only the allowed groups get the vaccine.
While there have been instances when people outside of these groups have gotten the vaccine out of necessity of using time sensitive doses, the honor system has been abused over the past week and has caused traffic, ethical, and logistical concerns. CCPH is depending on personal accountability and responsibility so that Chaffee County can reach the state’s mandated milestone of 70% of people 70 and older by February 28th.
Due to limited inventory and disparities across the state, it is possible that when our county reaches this mark, the vaccine program may be required to pause for the rest of the state to catch up. CCPH appreciates everyone’s patience as we continue to follow the Governor’s direction on vaccine distribution.
As soon as we are given the green light to move on to other groups, we will open more first dose clinics for them. In the meantime, we will be releasing additional slots for the approved groups listed above only. Please do not show up to the Fairgrounds unless you have a vaccination appointment.
Moving forward, we will only be lining up no more than 10 people in vehicles who fall within the approved groups to prepare for extra doses in a vial that need to be used up and not wasted.
At the time of this press release, CCPH has administered 1,953 doses of COVID-19 vaccine.