Chaffee County Public Health Responds to Governor’s Vaccination Phase Announcement

Governor Jared Polis announced that effective February 8th, counties will have the opportunity to decide to add those who are 65 to 69 in age and school staff to their vaccination distribution plans if they are ready to do so.

In response to this announcement, Chaffee County Public Health (CCPH) is working closely with local school districts and schools to plan a specific vaccination clinic for their staff only. Details are forthcoming.

In addition, CCPH invites adults aged 65-69 who are not school staff to register for any open slots from February 8th onward. By February 8th, CCPH feels as though the benchmark of 70% of those aged 70 and older will have been achieved in the county. In the upcoming days, CCPH will be adding days and slots to its clinic schedule as long as there is confidence that there will be adequate vaccine inventory next month and in the coming months.

At the time of this release, the month of February is mostly filled with completing second doses, and we will open additional clinics based on first dose shipment receipt. CCPH appreciates everyone’s patience, as we are still receiving a limited supply of vaccines and are working with other Phase 1 providers to make sure that the county has a comprehensive vaccination program. The newly announced phases include:

· Phase 1B will now be known as Phase 1B1, which is where we are right now. This phase includes Coloradans 70 and older, as well as moderate risk health care workers and first responders.

· Phase 1B2 includes Coloradans ages 65-69, as well as PreK-12 educators and child care workers in licensed programs. They will be able to start getting vaccinated on February 8.

· Phase 1B3 includes frontline essential workers and Coloradans ages 16-64 with two or more high-risk conditions. They will be able to start getting vaccinated in early March, estimated by March 5th.

In order to avoid a large call volume, if you are seeking a vaccine appointment, only call CCPH if you have challenges accessing the online scheduler which can be found at

If you do not find an available slot, then please continue to monitor the scheduler or seek the vaccine out from another provider. It is important that you cancel any appointments made if an alternative appointment is made with a different provider or on a different day.

More details will be announced when they are available regarding Phase 1B3.

At the time of this press release, CCPH has administered 2185 doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

Dan R