In an effort to understand what COVID-19 communications strategies are most used and valued by Chaffee County residents, Chaffee County Public Health is launching a survey this week.
Over the last 18 months, CCPH has utilized many different communication strategies to ensure our community is given the information necessary to stay safe and healthy. In the beginning of the pandemic, these communication strategies were employed on a daily basis, but as society has adjusted to the pandemic, CCPH has scaled back the frequency of its communications to what has felt necessary, sustainable, and desired by the community.
CCPH’s role in the next phase of this pandemic will focus on testing, vaccination, education, outreach, communication, and equity. Local mandates by CCPH will only be used in the most dire of situations and only if the state does not intervene. Chaffee County’s local public health order will be reviewed, amended, and extended on a regular basis and will establish guardrails only to support the mitigation of the virus and to keep the healthcare system from surging.
In regards to communication, it is important that CCPH is providing our community with sufficient, accurate, and accessible information. However, CCPH also relies on each citizen and organization to find and seek out the communication they feel is necessary to make decisions about their health and safety. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and CCPH wants to make sure that everyone has accurate and timely information to make the right decisions for oneself, family, and community. CCPH encourages everyone to please take a moment to give CCPH feedback on its communication strategies so it can best communicate over the fall/winter of 2021/2022.
Summary of Communications to Date:
– Regular press releases to print, radio, and digital media
– Town Halls including local subject matter experts
– Chaffee County COVID-19 Facebook page with Frequently Asked Questions and Answers and Did You Know campaigns
– Daily/Weekly Situational Awareness reports that get posted to the county website and COVID-19 Facebook page
– Chaffee County Data Dashboard
– Chaffee County Public Health’s COVID-19 website
– Advertisements, Yard Signs, Interviews, Chaffee’s Got HEART campaign, and PSAs
Meanwhile, everyone is still strongly encouraged to follow the current Code of Conduct which is likely to change as more is learned about COVID-19 and its variants, vaccines, and prevention and mitigation strategies.
Chaffee County’s Code of Conduct
1. Get vaccinated; 2. Stay home if sick; 3. Get tested if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms; 4. Wash your hands; 5. Respect the COVID-19 safety protocols for any individual business or organization; 6. Physically distance, if unvaccinated, and; 7. Wear a mask indoors or in crowded outdoors spaces, if community risk of transmission is substantial or worse.
CCPH and other local healthcare providers are building capacity in anticipation of the booster vaccine for eligible populations, approval for younger ages, and a surge in cases as the fall and winter seasons are upon us. CCPH will continue to utilize the RSVPify scheduler as in past mass vaccination efforts, and it will alert the community when it is ready to do so for booster shots or additional populations. The public is asked to be patient and avoid calling CCPH unnecessarily due to a high call volume and increased demand.
The link to the survey is:
It will also be located on the Chaffee County website and on the local COVID-19 Facebook page.
Paper copies of the survey can be provided upon request and will be available with all CCPH program staff. A Spanish survey can be provided upon request.