Chaffee County Commissioners face a lengthy agenda when they hold a regular meeting today.   

Commissioners will consider appointments to the Salida Regional Library Board, a request from Chaffee County Habitat for Humanity for fee waivers, three public hearings, one of the Cooper Minor Subdivision and two boundary line adjustments.   

Commissioners will also consider the Centerville Ranch Major Subdivision final plat, a two-year extension for Region 13 on the Community Development Block grant contract, partnering with Colorado Mountain College in applying for distributing the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship matching funds, Chaffee Housing Trust application for down payment assistance funding, and will adjourn to executive session to receive legal advice on pending litigation regarding opioids.   

Chaffee County Commissioners will convene as the 1041 Permit Authority at 1 pm.  Commissioners will continue the hearing process on Nestle Waters North America’s request to extend their 1041 permit for a spring water production process, transmission pipe and loading facility for another 10 years.