[Update] CDOT reports that as of 6:45 pm, operations are complete and Monarch Pass is open.
[Original Story] The Colorado Department of Transportation will perform avalanche mitigation operations on US 50 Monarch Pass Friday, December 31st, beginning at 5 pm.
Eastbound traffic will be stopped near MP 190. Westbound traffic will be stopped near MP 210.
Motorists will encounter a lengthy delay of at least two hours. Please be aware, however, this delay may be extended should unusual circumstances arise. Regional travelers and skiers leaving Monarch Ski Area should plan ahead.
Know Before You Go
Road conditions and travel information: COtrip.org
Sign up for project or travel alerts: bit.ly/COalerts
See scheduled lane closures: codot.gov/travel/scheduled-lane-closures.html
Check avalanche conditions at CAIC: avalanche.state.co.us
Connect with CDOT on social media: Twitter and Facebook