Buena Vista Trustees are set to convene for a regular meeting tonight at 7 PM. The agenda includes critical updates and decisions impacting the community.

The Chaffee Housing Authority will present information on two proposed ballot measures, providing Trustees with essential details and implications for future housing initiatives. Additionally, Jeff Ollinger from the Water Advisory Board will review the board’s functions and focus areas for 2024, ensuring that water resource management remains a priority.

Trustees will also vote on two significant resolutions:

  1. Authorizing the vacation of the town right-of-way through the Bristol-Allgeier subdivision.
  2. Approving an agreement with Summit Construction Group for the general construction of Billy Cordova Memorial Park.

Prior to the regular meeting, a work session will take place at 6 PM with Planning Director Joel Benson and Public Works Director Shawn Williams. This session aims to address planning and public works concerns, setting the stage for the main discussions of the evening.

Community members are encouraged to attend and stay informed about the decisions shaping Buena Vista’s future.