BV Schools will have a NO SCHOOL “pause” day on Monday, November 1, 2021. This is in addition to the already scheduled non-student day on Friday, November 5.  

This additional non-student day is for two reasons:

  1. We have a real potential of being understaffed in some of our positions as a result of the impact of illness and this allows us time to make adjustments and ensure continued quality instruction.
  2. We have the opportunity to extend a weekend for more at-home rest for those with symptoms.  

Extra- curricular activities will continue as scheduled. For those enrolled in Boys and Girls Club, we have coordinated to have the Club available all day on Monday and Friday. Look for information through Bloomz.

As shared in our Monday Minute, we have seen more illness and COVID in our county and schools in the last two weeks. This can be unsettling, likely expected, but still an unwanted COVID and illness surge.

We have been monitoring absences as a Response Team. The numbers tell us there are more absences and more COVID than the previous 8 weeks of school, but maybe not as many as it might “feel” or we imagine.

We hope it is helpful to at least see the current numbers (and remember you can always see the weekly COVID cases in the Monday Minute) so you have a “number-based” reality alongside the reality of anxiety that returns with the unpredictable transmission of this virus.

Grove3%Less than 1% – 1  COVID
Avery Parsons8%Less than 1% – 2 students with COVID, 5 total this week 
BVMS6%  (average over five days)Less than 1% – 2 COVID related this week
BVHS5% (average over five days – with high being Monday with 22)  2% -7 COVID this week – all on Monday7 cases week before as well
CCHS% not as relevant, but several ill0% – 0 COVID

Thank you for your on-going support. Our commitment to providing a routine, stable, high-quality, and in-person learning environment remains strong. We all recognize that eliminating risk is clearly not our current (or maybe future) reality with COVID, so we must continue to mitigate risk and at the same time attend to the social, mental, and academic well-being of our children. We must hold both together. Our children need to know COVID does not need to define us or divide us. Let’s keep lifting one another up and pointing one another toward hope.