Buena Vista, Colo. – Ark-Valley Humane Society (AVHS) held a volunteer appreciation event this past Sunday, April 21st.

All volunteers and pet foster parents were welcomed to join staff and board members at the shelter to celebrate the incredible lifesaving work they do for Ark-Valley Humane Society.

Special awards were given to volunteers and fosters who went above and beyond in 2023:

● Volunteer of the Year: Dave Dolph

● Best Feline Friend: Marsha Sailer

● Purrfect Cat Cleaner: Anna Otto

● Take a Lap Dog Walker: Ron Jepson

● Rookie of the Year, Volunteer: Debbie McCaleb

● Rookie of the Year, Foster: Kevin and Debbe Wallace

● Most Dedicated Foster: Kelly Doke

● Photographer of the Year: Kari Vanderburg

● Helping Hands: Chuck and Denise Washer

Additionally, special recognition was given to Adoptable Dog Room Helpers: Kathy Campitelli, Dave Dolph, Chuck Washer, and Sally Mather.

“We were thrilled to recognize both volunteers and fosters for outstanding service to AVHS in 2023. We literally could not do what we do without them, and they enhance the lives of shelter pets immensely!” said AVHS Volunteer & Foster Coordinator, Heather Mills.

We want to share a sincere thank you to all of our volunteers and fosters. You make a big difference in a shelter animal’s life during their time with us.