Chaffee County, Colorado -March 14th, 2025: Chaffee County Early Childhood Council has officially opened the application for the 2nd cohort of the Emerging Early Childhood Educators Program. We are seeking people interested in a career serving the children and families of Chaffee County through early childhood education. The program offers an 18-credit Early Childhood Teacher certificate that can be articulated into an associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education. This program also includes monthly coaching, reflective supervision opportunities, and experiences working in a licensed center. Applicants must meet the following
minimum requirements:
● Have a high school diploma or GED or be a concurrently enrolled high school student
● Have a demonstrated interest in a career in early childhood
● Have completed college-level Reading and English or can pass the Accuplacer

Program Coordinators will review all applications after the April 30th application deadline and determine who will be included in the 2025-2026 cohort. They will consider the following when reviewing applications:
● Openness to learn best practices
● Commitment to participate and contribute to a diverse cohort
● Demonstrate potential for the development of professional competencies
● Availability to work in centers at least 8-10 hours per week
● Strength of academic record

Each admitted participant will receive the full tuition for the 18 required credits. Students may incur costs throughout the year for light travel across the county. Stipends will be awarded for participation in scheduled monthly coaching and reflective supervision experiences and upon completion of college courses.

CCECC is a non-profit organization that serves children and their families, prenatal through age 8, and works with many diverse community partners, including organizations, parents, and professionals. CCECC works with the community to assess local early childhood needs, identify proven solutions, and access the resources necessary to embed solutions into the ongoing work of community partners. Visit for more information about our work.