His foster mom decided to make it official and adopt King. This is the happiest news we could share. We couldn’t ask for a better ending to King’s journey as he now gets to spend the rest of his years in a home he truly loves.”

This post has received over 305 likes and loves, 45 comments and 14 shares because so many loyal AVHS followers and supporters have met and love King.

According to one of the many volunteers who walked King, “this pit bull terrier mix had the most soulful, understanding eyes. He was always smiling and happy, truly one of the most loving dogs I ever met.”

Another volunteer said, “everyone at AVHS adored King. He knew how to make friends and endear himself to all who met him.”

King was a favorite but also suffered with separation anxiety. If left alone too long, he became destructive. This occurs with several dogs. It just took a while longer for King to realize when his human left, it was not forever. TLC, patience, and training has helped King make slow progress, and his loving foster is now his forever Mom with hundreds more celebrating and shouting a huge THANK YOU!

If you would like to experience such joy by fostering or volunteering, please contact Kiersten King, 

AVHS Volunteer & Foster Coordinator 

at volunteer@ark-valley.org or call 719-395-2737.

By: Judy Hamontre, AVHS Vice-Chair